mtg icon Magic: The Gathering
mtg icon Magic: The Gathering

manafix royal series

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    TOP8/last Matches Results

  • deck image
    azorius control
    (kassiostein (kassiostein))
    ribbon icon
    (ettore tasca (ettoreht))
    azorius control
    deck image
  • deck image
    explore combo
    (leonardo annahas (alka1000))
    ribbon icon
    (felipe augusto zborowski (zmontcristo))
    deck image
  • deck image
    lotus field combo
    (lucas oller (owller))
    ribbon icon
    (viniciuspdc (viniciuspdc))
    boros heroic
    deck image
  • deck image
    boros convoke
    (lunoito (lunoito))
    ribbon icon
    (dergam (dergam))
    mono-black discard
    deck image
  • deck image
    azorius control
    (matheus martins vieira (menduba))
    ribbon icon
    (gustavo lyra (glyra))
    deck image
  • deck image
    mono-black discard
    (nicholas treuko (treuko))
    ribbon icon
    (dziedzic jr claudio dziedzic júnior (cenoura))
    deck image
  • deck image
    dimir control
    (pedropedreirofake (pedropedreirofake))
    ribbon icon
    (lauro olsen (lauroolsen))
    mono-black discard
    deck image
  • total of 53 matches recorded

Event cards popularity

Some events will be all decklists, others only from the top8

Prosperous Innkeeper
with 16 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 16.0% of decks.
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
with 13 copies and average 2.6 per deck in 20.0% of decks.
Extraction Specialist
with 13 copies and average 2.6 per deck in 20.0% of decks.
Wildgrowth Walker
with 12 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.0% of decks.
Amalia Benavides Aguirre
with 12 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.0% of decks.
Lunarch Veteran
with 11 copies and average 3.7 per deck in 12.0% of decks.
Llanowar Elves
with 10 copies and average 3.3 per deck in 12.0% of decks.
Elvish Mystic
with 10 copies and average 3.3 per deck in 12.0% of decks.
Illuminator Virtuoso
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 8.0% of decks.
Favored Hoplite
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 8.0% of decks.
with 27 copies and average 3.9 per deck in 28.0% of decks.
Fatal Push
with 24 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 24.0% of decks.
Chord of Calling
with 20 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 20.0% of decks.
Collected Company
with 19 copies and average 3.8 per deck in 20.0% of decks.
Waste Not
with 16 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 16.0% of decks.
No More Lies
with 16 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 16.0% of decks.
Memory Deluge
with 16 copies and average 3.2 per deck in 20.0% of decks.
The Wandering Emperor
with 13 copies and average 3.3 per deck in 16.0% of decks.
Bitter Triumph
with 13 copies and average 2.2 per deck in 24.0% of decks.
Liliana of the Veil
with 13 copies and average 3.3 per deck in 16.0% of decks.

Performance matrix

Decks with a low match count will be ignored here

You read this table from left to right, the intersection point means the win rate versus the vertical deck. The confidence interval used is a binomial proportion confidence interval with the Wilson score interval at 95% confidence.

confidence interval
vs perf
# of matches

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  • Metagame share

    Some tournaments will include only the day 2 complete and others will have more.


    Currently doing updates, some information might not be entirely accurate. Check again in a few minutes.

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