mtg icon Magic: The Gathering
mtg icon Magic: The Gathering

SCG Richmond Standard Classic

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    TOP8/last Matches Results

  • deck image
    azorius aggro
    (wen, gavin)
    ribbon icon
    (castaldini, mitchell)
    bant nexus
    deck image
  • deck image
    grixis control
    (jacob neighbors)
    ribbon icon
    (justin parnell)
    mardu judith
    deck image
  • deck image
    grixis control
    (chris johnson)
    ribbon icon
    (drew kobus)
    naya feather
    deck image
  • deck image
    dimir control
    (timothy madsen)
    ribbon icon
    (aiden brier)
    esper control
    deck image
  • deck image
    bant nexus
    (castaldini, mitchell)
    ribbon icon
    (jacob neighbors)
    grixis control
    deck image
  • deck image
    grixis control
    (chris johnson)
    ribbon icon
    (aiden brier)
    esper control
    deck image
  • deck image
    bant nexus
    (castaldini, mitchell)
    ribbon icon
    (chris johnson)
    grixis control
    deck image
  • total of 15 matches recorded

Event cards popularity

Some events will be all decklists, others only from the top8

Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Tithe Taker
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Adanto Vanguard
with 6 copies and average 3.0 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Footlight Fiend
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Law-Rune Enforcer
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Judith, the Scourge Diva
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Venerated Loxodon
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Skymarcher Aspirant
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Benalish Marshal
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Dauntless Bodyguard
with 4 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 12.5% of decks.
Thought Erasure
with 16 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 50.0% of decks.
Narset, Parter of Veils
with 9 copies and average 2.3 per deck in 50.0% of decks.
Coastal Discovery
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God
with 8 copies and average 4.0 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Cry of the Carnarium
with 8 copies and average 2.0 per deck in 50.0% of decks.
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
with 7 copies and average 3.5 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Chemister's Insight
with 7 copies and average 3.5 per deck in 25.0% of decks.
Enter the God-Eternals
with 7 copies and average 2.3 per deck in 37.5% of decks.
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
with 7 copies and average 1.8 per deck in 50.0% of decks.

Performance matrix

Decks with a low match count will be ignored here

You read this table from left to right, the intersection point means the win rate versus the vertical deck. The confidence interval used is a binomial proportion confidence interval with the Wilson score interval at 95% confidence.

confidence interval
vs perf
# of matches

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  • Metagame share

    Some tournaments will include only the day 2 complete and others will have more.


    Currently doing updates, some information might not be entirely accurate. Check again in a few minutes.

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